Western Canada Highway Strengthening Program

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As part of its Transportation 2030 Strategic Plan, the Government of Canada announced a number of initiatives to support a safe, secure, green, innovative and. Mondaq All Regions Business Briefing provides global coverage of all legal analysis from reputable firms, registration is FREE to access the content. The thirdannual Smart Cities Week D. C. attracted 1,300 people from around the world to discuss ways smart infrastructure enables smart cities. Transportation in Canada 2. Transport Canada Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Transport, 2. Cette publication est aussi disponible en franais sous le titre Les transports au Canada 2. Rapport approfondi. TP No 1. 53. 57 E Catalogue No T1 2. E PDF ISSN 9. 78 0 6. Permission to reproduce Transport Canada grants permission to copy andor reproduce the contents of this publication for personal and public non commercial use Users must reproduce the materials accurately, identify Transport Canada as the source and not present theirs as an official version, or as having been produced with the help or the endorsement of Transport Canada To request permission to reproduce materials from this publication for commercial purposes, please complete the following web form www. Or contact TCcopyright droitdauteur. Western Canada Highway Strengthening Program For TrackWestern Canada Highway Strengthening ProgrammesTCtc. gc. ca. An electronic version of this publication is available at www. Table of Contents. Transportation plays a critical role in the Canadian economy by enabling Canadian products, services and people to access key markets, thus creating prosperity and economic opportunities for the middle class. A modern, safe, secure, reliable and environmentally responsible transportation system is essential to our economic wealth. In 2. 01. 6, the Canadian transportation system continued its  strong  safety track record, with accident rates below their 1. In terms of environment, transportation related greenhouse gas emissions have been stable over the past decade as the effect of increased activities has been offset by stricter standards. The transportation system also continued to perform well in 2. Canadian merchandise, resulting from subdued global and domestic economic growth. To continue building on these accomplishments, the Government of Canada, through its Transportation 2. Strategic Plan, aims to create a safe, secure, green, innovative and integrated transportation system that supports trade and economic growth, a cleaner environment and the well being of all Canadians. In accordance with this Strategic Plan, we announced a number of initiatives in 2. Oceans Protection Plan, which aims to create a world leading marine safety system that helps prevent marine incidents and strengthens environmental protection. We also continued our work with provinces and territories in support of the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change to develop a concrete plan to achieve Canadas international climate change commitments and drive innovation and growth. While the system performed well in 2. Canadian businesses compete, grow and create more jobs for middle class Canadians. To that effect, we have announced a 1. Trade and Transportation Corridors Initiative, with the objective of improving the quality of trade infrastructure across Canada, strengthening the efficiency of the system and sharing evidence based information about the Canadian transportation system with Canadians and relevant transportation stakeholders. I hope this report will provide Members of Parliament, stakeholders and the general public with useful information on the state of Canadas transportation system and how it affects the life of every Canadian. Sincerely, The Honourable Marc Garneau, P. C., M. P. Minister of Transport. Report Highlights. Summary The relatively modest global and domestic economy growth in 2. Canadian commodities. While some fl issues were reported at the Port of Vancouver in the fall of 2. Canadian transportation system did not experience any signifi bottlenecks. Contrasting with lower commodity volumes, passenger traffi was on the rise especially for international air passengers. Greenhouse gas emissions have been stable overall over the past decade. The Government of Canada put in place a number of initiatives to strengthen environmental protection, including the Pan Canadian Framework. Canada continues to have a safe and secure transportation system with accident rates below their 5 to 1. A number of initiatives aim to ensure a safe transportation system were established, including the new Oceans Protection Plan. In the coming years, Canada will face challenges and opportunities that will require transportation stakeholders to keep abreast of new developments and adapt to changing socio demographic trends, key emerging technologies, and growing environmental concerns. The Canadian economy continued to experience moderate growth in 2. Modest global economic growth translated into lower traffic volume in the Canadian transportation system, especially in the first half of the year. Demand slightly picked up in the second half of 2. This resulted in rail traffic declines in tonnage for petroleum products, metals, grain and fertilizers materials. On the marine side, international waterborne traffic in value also decreased, as did volume handled at certain ports. This is especially true for the port of Vancouver, which observed declines for wheat, coal, potash and intermodal traffic. In contrast, East Coast ports, notably the port of Halifax and Montral, experienced a growth in volume handled in 2. International air cargo exports in value decreased slightly in 2. U. S. recorded a strong increase. The Canadian transportation system did not experience any significant bottlenecks with respect to performance or capacity in 2. The Port of Vancouver reported some fluidity issues at its South Shore in the fall, but the system was resilient enough to resolve the issue. No major labour disruptions or major weather related event significantly impacted fluidity at key ports or key railway corridors. The lower volume of containers to handle over the year allowed fluidity to improve at key port terminals. Most container terminals remained below their effective capacity level throughout the year. Rail network velocity also continued to improve in 2. The Western grain supply chain remained fluid despite a late and abundant harvest. Some issues related to exporters having difficulties to source the right type of grain, especially the high quality variety, caused more vessels to anchor outside the port of Vancouver. Contrasting with lower merchandise volumes, the number of passengers increased in 2. Air passengers travelling on domestic and international flights recorded solid gains compared to 2. Benefiting from a low Canadian dollar, more foreign travellers came to Canada than in 2. On the other hand, Canadian travellers to the United States U. S. declined across many modes. Intercity rail travel increased slightly from 2. Greenhouse gas GHG emissions have decreased for air and marine transportation over the past decade thanks to new initiatives, voluntary agreements and various international commitments by the Government of Canada. In contrast, rail and road transportation, the latter accounting for 8. GHG emissions over the same period, mostly due to increased traffic. Federal regulations have established progressively stricter GHG emission standards for passenger automobiles and light trucks of model years 2. The Government of Canada indicated it would continue its work to progressively establish stricter standards to further limit greenhouse gas emissions from new on road heavy duty vehicles and their engines in Canada starting with the 2. Canada continues to have a safe and secure transportation system. The most recent figures show that accident rates. A number of initiatives aim to ensure a safe transportation system including.