Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly Flow Pdf

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Deep Work by Cal Newport. Cal Newports Deep Work is a fascinating read about the benefits and practical steps you can take to do more deep work. Unlike shallow work, that can give the false impression of productivity, deep work is much more conducive to increased productivity and getting the results you desire. DOWNLOAD THE DEEP WORK SUMMARY PDF FOR FREE DOWNLOAD PDFINTRODUCTIONWho is this book for Cal Newports Deep Work is a guide on how to have focused success in a distracted world. This book is a great read for anyone looking to get better at what you already do, master your work and produce better results more efficiently. Anyone living and working in the twenty first century will be well aware of the abundance of distractions and the frantic pace that life takes on, Newports book will help you overcome this and really master your work. About the author. Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly Flow Pdf' title='Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly Flow Pdf' />Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly Flow PdfCsikszentmihalyi Mihaly Flow PdfCal Newport studied the theoretical foundations of our digital age, he has in turn written about the impact of these technologies in our lives today and most significantly, on our work. He has a special interest in mastering the ability to concentrate without distraction and believes it is one of the most valuable skills, that is becoming increasingly rare. He has also written So Good They Cant Ignore You and three books popular among students full of advice. In this summary. Cal Newports Deep Work is a fascinating read about the benefits and practical steps you can take to do more deep work. Unlike shallow work, that can give the false impression of productivity, deep work is much more conducive to increased productivity and getting the results you desire. The Deep Work Hypothesis The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy. As a consequence, the few who cultivate this skill, and then make it the core of their working life, will thrive. Cal Newport firstly examines the deep work hypothesis and offers evidence to support it. He explains the advantages of performing deep work. Secondly, using 4 core rules, Newport teaches you how to take advantage of this hypothesis and train your brain, in turn, transforming your working habits. BOOK SUMMARYThe Deep Work Hypothesis. Cel Newport defines two different types of individuals that are destined to be successful in the emerging digital age. Anyone who can work with intelligent machines and technology and 2 anyone that is considered a star in their field of work. Newport defines the two most important characteristics in these successful workers as 1 the ability to take on hard tasksthings and master them at pace, and 2 producing contentproductsservices at what can be considered an elite level in both speed and quality. Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly Flow Pdf' title='Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly Flow Pdf' />Finally, Peter emerged from his concentration, saw the fire engines, and hurried to the window. The state of flow experienced by scientists, physicians, artists, and. Dea ConradCurry. Partner in Education. Visit my website www. Read my blog www. Cskszentmihlyi Mihly Fiume, Olaszorszg, 1934. Szchenyidjas pszicholgus, Magyar rdemrend nagykereszt tulajdonosa, pedaggus. Cal Newports Deep Work is a fascinating read about the benefits and practical steps you can take to do more deep work. Unlike shallow work, that can give the false. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi says we can achieve one of the most elusive needs selfactualization by finding a state of flow in our work. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Cognitive distortions are exactly what the name implies distortions in our cognition. Irrational thoughtsbeliefs that we unknowingly reinforce over time. Thus posing the question, how do you obtain these abilities This is where the concept of deep work comes in, if you are unable to perform deep work, then you will struggle with both of these desired characteristics. Best Reggae Drum Kit more. Learning hard things. The key to learning hard things at pace is focusing without any distraction, in order to learn efficiently, you need to be performing deep work. Hard things are complex and you need to give them all of your attention and focus. Without deep work, these things will take time to learn, and mistakes will be made. High Quality Work Produced Time Spent x Intensity of FocusNewport explains that in order to produce contentworkservices at an elite level, you must be maintaining focus on the single task for long periods of time, completely without distraction. Its this narrow focus that allows you to produce your best work. Why is deep work rare Newport questions why so many businesses encourage a culture based on being constantly connected, encouraging faster responses to requests, more exposure etc. These are the behaviours that are affecting employees ability to produce deep work. Newport believes that the reason is due to the principle of least resistance The Principle of Least Resistance In a business setting, without clear feedback on the impact of various behaviours to the bottom line, we will tend toward behaviours that are easiest in the moment. It all comes down to the simple reason Because its easier. Newport believes that workers today, are running what he describes as increasingly visible business because they simply do not know another way to portray their value. Busyness as Proxy for Productivity In the absence of clear indicators of what it means to be productive and valuable in their jobs, many knowledge workers turn back toward an industrial indicator of productivity doing lots of stuff in a visible manner. Newport sums it up simply Deep work is hard and shallow work is easier and in the absence of clear goals for your job, the visible busyness that surrounds shallow work becomes self preserving. Why should we perform deep work In short, because its meaningful. Deep work is an activity well suited to generate a flow state. Flow state is the phrases used by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi to describe notions of stretching your mind to its limits, concentrating, and losing yourself in an activity. All of which also describe deep work. And as we just learned, flow generates happiness. Combining these two ideas we get a powerful argument from psychology in favor of depth. Decades of research stemming from Csikszentmihalyis original ESM experiments validate that the act of going deep orders the consciousness in a way that makes life worthwhile. It becomes clear, that in order to extract meaning from your profession, deep work is the answer. It can assist you to cultivate your skills, transform a knowledge based, distracted job into work that is satisfying, meaningful and successful. HOW Cal Newport has come up with 4 core rules that will help you to take advantage of deep work and master your work. Work DeeplyThe key to developing a deep work habit is to move beyond good intentions and add routines and rituals to your working life. This is designed to minimize the amount of your limited willpower necessary to transition into and maintain a state of unbroken concentration. Newport outlines the key to needing to use less willpower is to set up smart routines and rituals to get you through the workday. Whether it be setting a time and determining a specific location for all your deep work each afternoon. Newport discusses the following points as crucial to getting the most out of deep work sessions Decide where youll work and for how long. Create a zone where you can allow yourself to focus. Decide how youll work once you start work, what are your processesHow will you support your work Do you need to be fuelled adequately before you begin Or try some light exercise Newport mentions the importance of downtime and freedom. Its allowing you this time that assists you in really knuckling down when required to get your deep work done. Downtime can aid your insights. Downtime helps recharge the energy needed to work deeply. You have a limited capacity for deep work on any given day. Try and get it done during the workday and use evenings primarily for downtime. Embrace Boredom. Newport identifies the problem with our fast paced lives, is that our brains have been re wired and expect and request distraction. We check our smartphones at any moment of potential boredom whether it be waiting in a queue or when your friend pops into the bathroom. Flow psychologie Wikipdia Pour les articles homonymes, voir Flow. En psychologie positive, le flow littralement flux en anglais, ou la zone, est un tat mental atteint par une personne lorsquelle est compltement plonge dans une activit, et se trouve dans un tat maximal de concentration, de plein engagement et de satisfaction dans son accomplissement. Fondamentalement, le flow se caractrise par labsorption totale dune personne dans son occupation. Ce concept, labor par le psychologue Mihly Cskszentmihlyi, a t largement repris dans de nombreux domaines, du sport la spiritualit en passant par lducation et la sduction1 avec une reconnaissance particulire par lergothrapie, bien quil ait exist depuis toujours sous dautres formes, principalement dans les religions orientales. Atteindre le flow se dit aussi  tre dans la zone . Dans les versions franaises des textes de Cskszentmihlyi, on trouve indiffremment les termes de  flux , d exprience flux , d exprience optimale  ou de  nguentropie psychique2 . Selon Cskszentmihlyi, le flow est un tat totalement centr sur la motivation. Cest une immersion totale, qui reprsente peut tre lexprience suprme, en employant les motions au service de la performance et de lapprentissage. Dans le flow, les motions ne sont pas seulement contenues et canalises, mais en pleine coordination avec la tche saccomplissant. Le trait distinctif du flow est un sentiment de joie spontan, voire dextase pendant une activit. Le flow possde beaucoup de similitudes avec ltat dhyper concentration, tout au moins en ce qui concerne ses aspects positifs. Jeanne Nakamura et Cskszentmihlyi ont identifi six aspects entourant une exprience de flow  Concentration intense focalise sur le moment prsent. Disparition de la distance entre le sujet et lobjet. Perte du sentiment de conscience de soi. Sensation de contrle et de puissance sur lactivit ou la situation. Distorsion de la perception du temps. Lactivit est en soi source de satisfaction une exprience qualifie dautotlique. Ces aspects peuvent tre prsents indpendamment les uns des autres, mais seule la combinaison de plusieurs dentre eux permet de constituer une vritable exprience de flow. La psychologue Kendra Cherry a mentionn trois autres composantes faisant partie de cette exprience  Rtroaction immdiate les russites et difficults au cours du processus sont immdiatement repres et le comportement ajust. Sentiment de potentielle russite. Sentiment dune exprience tellement passionnante que les autres besoins semblent ngligeables. Comme pour les conditions prcdemment listes, elles peuvent tre indpendantes les unes des autres. Le flow a trouv son nom en 1. Cskszentmihlyi a interview plusieurs personnes qui ont dcrit leur exprience en expliquant quils taient ports comme par le courant dans une rivire3. Hypothses concernant les dimensions du Flowmodifier modifier le code. Enfant peignant une maquette. Revisitant lautotlisme, Csikszentmihalyi 2. Voelkl et Ellis 2. Flow en identifiant plusieurs lments associs quils ont class en deux catgories  les conditions dapparition du Flow les caractristiques du Flow facteur. Les conditions sont les circonstances qui sont supposes conduire au Flow par exemple  quilibre comptencesdfi  clart des buts et feedback instantans. Les caractristiques font rfrence aux effets et notamment aux perceptions lies la nature empirique du phnomne lui mme cest dire ce que lindividu ressent lorsquil est en tat de Flow, par exemple concentration sur laction en cours, sens du contrle, perte de conscience de soi. Selon Demontrond Gaudreau 2. Flow et les antcdents psychosociaux pouvant faciliter son apparition chez les individus. Ainsi, en tudiant ces conditions et caractristiques, Ellis 2. Demontrond Gaudreau, 2. Flow que ne le sont dautres lments p. Heutte Fenouillet 2. Flow  Flow D1  Sentiment de matrisecontrle de lactivit Absorption cognitive On sait que lactivit est faisable, que les comptences sont en adquation, il ny a ni anxit ni ennui Csikszentmihalyi, 2. Flow D2  Perception altre du temps Hors de temps Concentration totale sur le prsent, on ne voit pas le temps passer Csikszentmihalyi, 2. Flow D3  Absence de proccupation propos du soi Dilatation du moi Perte de la conscience de soi Sentiment de srnit Pas de proccupations propos de soi mme, impression de sortir au del des limites de lego aprs coup, sentiment davoir transcend lego tel point quon ne croyait pas cela possible Csikszentmihalyi, 2. Flow D4  Sentiment de bien tre Activit autotlique Motivation intrinsque Ce qui produit le  Flow  devient une rcompense en soi Sentiment dextase Impression dtre en dehors de la ralit quotidienne Csikszentmihalyi, 2. Les donnes rcemment acquises sur les rseaux attentionnels renseignent sur lactivit dun cerveau en tat de flow, notamment celles sintressant la notion surprenante dattention  sans effort . Les distracteurs de lattention sont valus par plusieurs systmes crbraux qui dterminent chaque instant lintrt et limportance de ce qui stimule les sens ou les penses. Des structures telles que lamygdale et lhippocampe traitent ces caractristiques de faon  rigide , en fonction du pass  ce que lon a lhabitude de trouver intressant lire un magazine, surfer sur Internet ou dsagrable, voire dangereux, et donc important un visage ayant lair menaant. Dautres aires, situes surtout dans le cortex prfrontal, utilisent des critres plus flexibles dpendant des buts que lon se fixe pour lavenir, proche ou lointain. Chaque systme fixe en quelque sorte ses priorits, qui se contredisent souvent dans une lutte incessante pour le contrle de lattention  cette lutte dinfluence aboutit ce que les psychologues nomment des  conflits motivationnels , cest dire des situations o le cerveau cherche accomplir en mme temps plusieurs objectifs contradictoires. Sur le plan mental, on dit que deux processus cognitifs sont antagonistes lorsquils mobilisent les mmes rgions crbrales, en particulier le mme rseau de lattention. Cest pourquoi on ne peut pas raliser exactement en mme temps deux activits qui demandent dtre attentif. En consquence, il nest pas tonnant que ltat de flow, en tant qutat dattention sans effort, ni conflit, ni stress, soit si recherch et valoris4. Plusieurs outils dautodescription ont t crs afin dtudier les lments de nature instable et les phnomnes subjectifs lis au flow, tels que les entretiens qualitatifs, les questionnaires et la mthode dchantillonnage des expriences Experience Sampling Method ESM Csikszentmihalyi Larson, 1. Csikszentmihalyi Le. Fevre, 1. 98. 9  Nakamura Csikszentmihalyi, 2. Scollon, Kim Prieto, Diener, 2. Un grand nombre de chercheurs ont utilis lESM. Cette mthode consiste rpondre un court questionnaire lorsque la sonnerie dun tl avertisseur retentit. Malgr tout son intrt, cette mthode est la longue relativement contraignante pour les sujets  le caractre intrusif et le temps ncessaire lusage de lESM prsentent linconvnient majeur de risquer dinterrompre le Flow.