What Are Two Predefined File Pointers In C

Posted by admin- in Home -28/10/17

What Are Two Predefined File Pointers In CC Interview Questions and Answers. It actually depends on the purpose of the program In case of macros, the corresponding code is inserted directly into your source code at the point where macro is called. There is no overhead involved in using a macro. This makes the Macros more efficient and faster than functions. However, macros are usually small and cannot handle large, complex coding constructs. So, if it is a complex situation that the program wants to handle, functions are more suitable. Macros are expanded inline this means that every time a macro occurs, the code is replicated. Enables generic SGML to be served, received, and processed on the Web in the way that is now possible with HTML. XML has been designed for ease of implementation and. C s i, as in the letter c is a generalpurpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and. How to Start Learning C Programming in Turbo C IDE. C is one of the oldest and most powerful programming language that was first developed in the 1970s by Dennis. Linker Command File CGT 6. 2. x and older The following is an example of what was added to the original linker command file to define the CLA compiler scratchpad. So, the code size in case of usage of macros will be larger in comparison to functions. So, the choice of using macros or functions actually depends on your requirement speed vs program size. If your program contains small, repeated code sections, you should use Macros. If the program requires, large number of unique code lines you should prefer functions. What Are Two Predefined File Pointers In CLooping questions in c and answers.