Rs Logix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Management

Posted by admin- in Home -20/10/17

RSLogix 5. 00 Activation Moving. RSLogix 5. 00 Activation Moving. RSLOGIX 5. 00 Activation Moving. I installed rslogix 5. Seems easy enough. When I moved the activation it somehow put the activation of the rslogix 5 onto the masterdisk of the new rslogix 5. Now, I cant move the activation ANYWHERE. I have tried several different things including moving the old activation back to the C drive and installing the rslogix onto another computer and trying to move the new activation over, but its completely gone at this point. Anybody have ANY ideas You may check with Rockwell on activation keys for different packages. With a license, you are entitled to a free copy of activation key per year. Adam For several reasons, the sequence of events you describe cant actually have happened exactly as you recall them. Rather than try to unwind what happened, I recommend that you figure out where your activations actually are right now. The special section at Rockwell Softwares Technical Response Center 4. Put your Master Disk in each computer you have touched during this adventure and run the application A RESET or A RESETW on newer Master Disks. Rockwell Automation Rslogix 5000 Downloads. File Disk Management. Review including a list of characters. The reset utility starts by doing an inventory of all activations, moveable and otherwise, on the local computer. Browse A, then C, then any other logical disks visible on each local computer, and find where each activation resides today. If you used other Master Disks, youll have to do this for each of them. If an activation is on the wrong Master Disk, use A EVMOVE or A EVMOVEW on that disk to move it where you want it. If you find the activation on the wrong hard disk, use A EVMOVEW on the right Master Disk to move it back to the Master Disk and then to where you want it. Generally, that would be on the logical hard disk upon which you have installed the product. Hope this helpsLarry Lawver Rexel Central Florida. Call Rockwell. They have been very responsive to me when it comes to master disk issues. I normally get disks the very next day. Also you may want to reset the master disk first follow web instructions and try that. RSLogix software. Rockwell Technical Support at 4. Rockwell website, but its usually better to have a person to talk to on the phone. If you are under support, just call RSI and they will fix your problem. If out of support, you can always try running off the floppy. Rs Logix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Management' title='Rs Logix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Management' />Bob Peterson. Call AB for a new activation disk. In the meantime the existing floppy has an unmovable activation on it. If you put in into your floppy drive you can use RSLogix. If the activation is not in the C drive nor the diskette, then you have to contact Rockwell and give them the serial number of your software in order to get a new master disk with the activations. Qfd Tutorial. Regards. Call Rockwell Software, get new disks. When you have sorted your problem ie got your keys back put them back on your floppys and use a software called teledisk, i believe you can download it free, to make Back upsIt means can i make duplicate master disk if Key is inside master disk using this software teledisk. Regardshow does the teledisk work do you need the masterdisk or a copy. Just curious I have been happily placing my RSLogix. USB drive for years a 1. GB IBM drive salvaged from an old notebook inside a 3. BAFO enclosure. This allows the activation to move between systems just by moving the drive or at least betwen my 2 Win. K systems. Has anyone tried to place a Rockwell key onto one of those small flash dongle drives Lynn. L, www. digi. com. I would be careful about testing this. If it allows you to transfer it, you might lose your software key. These copy protection systems typically work by doing things with the hard drive that are outside of the drive spec. This is what prevents you from simply copying the activation file and why file system repair utilities can destroy the file. USB flash drives are compatible at the FAT file system level, but may not have enough low level similarity to a normal hard drive to allow the copy protection systems to work. That is, they may be close enough that the software will store the key on the USB flash drive, but it may not recognise the key as valid when you try to recover it. I suppose there could be a market for special USB keys that allow secure storage of software activation keys. They would probably be much more reliable than floppy disks and would solve the problem of laptops that dont have floppy disks. I dont however like copy protection software activation keys. Some software vendors will refuse to replace them unless you buy an annual software maintenance contract from them. This is like being forced to buy a new car if you lose your car keys. Michael Griffin. London, Ont. CanadaWhen youre already buying a car with the hood welded shut Ive never understood their vehemence on this point either, What possible use would you have for their software if you didnt own their hardware And if I owned 5. PLCs, Im still not going to buy more than a couple seats. It would only make it much more convenient if I had more seats, Inconveniencing me isnt going to make them any more money. D-pdYtc1DYEwCFpLrvtxnw_small.jpg' alt='Rs Logix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Management' title='Rs Logix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Management' />Overall, their programmer to PLC ratio is pretty low, I would think it would make sense to build the software cost into the hardware. And the burden of all that license management and support for all the related problems has to be fairly high as well. I would think widespread pirating of their software would demonstrably improve the market for their hardware. If they could just get over that absolute control thing. I might even buy a rack to work with at home if I didnt need 3. I can almost see it for pure software plays like autocad, but tied to the hardware, it would make for interesting analysis if they are actually accomplishing anything more than annoying the very folks who want to use their hardware. Of course, it would break the upgrade mill, but thats a major badwill item anyway. Regardscww. On February 1. Curt Wuollet wrote lt clip Overall, their programmer to PLC ratio is pretty low, I would think it would make sense to build the software cost into the hardware. And the burden of all that license management and support for all the related problems has to be fairly high as well. The software for most of the automation hardware I use can be freely downloaded from the manufacturers web site. The only exceptions are PLC and associated MMI panel software. In other words, most manufacturers of automation hardware would appear to agree with you on this point. The PLC manufacturers are the exceptions, not the norm. I would think widespread pirating of their software would demonstrably improve the market for their hardware. Most customers dont take the software cost into account when standardising on a particular brand of hardware. The software is just an afterthought. The major PLC manufacturers can therefore charge whatever the market will bear for the software after the customers have made their hardware decisions. The price of software seems to be more closely related to the PLC manufacturers market share than it is to any value to the customer. I can almost see it for pure software plays like autocad, but tied to the hardware, it would make for interesting analysis if they are actually accomplishing anything more than annoying the very folks who want to use their hardware. Product Catalog List. RSLogix 500. It is a lowcost OPC data server for smaller RSLinx Enterprise provides unparalleled connectivity to Logix.