Pololu Low-Voltage Dual Serial Motor Controller Arduino

Posted by admin- in Home -25/11/17

Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. The Pololu Zumo chassis is a small, tracked robot platform that is less than 10 cm on each side, allowing it to qualify for Mini Sumo competitions. Tamil Ocr Software. Im writing this post while one of the test JeeNode Micros here at JeeLabs is nearing its eighth month of operation on a single coin cell. Arduino Animatronics Make Your Awesome Costumes More Awesome 1. Steps with PicturesExample 7 Predator cannon. Using a modified Wii nunchuck board we can make a head tracking system to control an animatronic Predator cannon. This system was designed to look like the cannon mechanism in the first Predator movie. The nunchuck board is removed from its case, the joystick is removed and the board is placed level in the top of the Predator Bio helmet. The wires are extended for the buttons so they can be used as fingertip buttons to activate the cannon and trigger the firing sequence. To remove the circuit board from the Wii nunchuck case youll need a tri wing screwdriver http www. OS 1. 3 7. 1 1e 4. The sound effect is handled just like the Iron Man repulsor in example 4 using the Adafruit Wave Shield. Since the Wave Shield code used can support six individual sounds you can add five other Predator sounds and activate them using fingertip switches neat There is one servo that is geared 4 1 that raises the cannon arm in the code you can see this as the servo rotating 1. The other two servos aim the cannon using the accelerometer inputs. There are transistors that turn on the aiming servos and laser sight when one button is pressed. If the aiming servos were always on then the cannon would rotate even when it was in the lowered position, so they need a way of being turned off when the cannon is lowered. So push one one button and the cannon raises up, the aiming servos turn on and the laser sight turns on. Push the second button and the cannon fires two transistors turn on the cannon LED and activate the firing sound. Three red LEDs can be used in place of the laser sight. The cannon LED can be anything from several small LEDs to a high power Luxeon LED. When using a high power Luxeon LED be sure to use a constant current driver to power it. Servos can draw a fair bit of power so I use a TIP 1. The prototype cannon mechanism was built using Delrin plastic scraps and timing belts and gears from old desktop printers and photocopiers I found in the trash. A DC Controllers and other robot products. At RobotShop, you will find everything about robotics. Introduction Arduino Animatronics Make Your Awesome Costumes More Awesome Heres how to add lights, sound and action to your favorite Halloween project using the. Brushless DC Motor Controllers and other robot products. At RobotShop, you will find everything about robotics. J4621.1200.jpg?71a87427ba767effb6232837240ebb0a' alt='Pololu Low-Voltage Dual Serial Motor Controller Arduino' title='Pololu Low-Voltage Dual Serial Motor Controller Arduino' />When I build the final version for the Predator costume it will probably be entirely gear driven to make it more compact and cleaner. For Predator costuming info check out http www. Those individuals interested in obtaining a resin cannon casting should contact my friend Carl here http www. Carls work is absolutely brilliant check out the photos below of the Predator backpack clay sculpt that he created for this project. Thats a lot of clay When contacting Carl please be patient as hes extremely busy and he has a large backlog of work. Heres the code Example 7Predator CannonThis uses a modified Wii nunchuck as a head tracking input device to control an animatronic Predator cannonAdafruit Wave shield is used for sound effectsHonus 2. Wii nunchuck reading code modifiedextended from nunchuck code by Tod E. Kurt and Windmeadow Labs2. Tod E. Kurt, http todbot. The Wii Nunchuck reading code is taken from Windmeadow Labs, http www. Wire. h include the Wire libraryinclude   Servo. Servo servo. 3  creates an instance of the servo object to control a servoint control. Pin. 1 6 Control pin for sound effects board using z buttonint transistor. Pin. 1 1. 3 Control pin for LED using z buttonint transistor. Pin. 2 1. 2 Control pin for laser sight using c buttonint transistor. Pin. 3 1. 1 Control pin for servo 1 using c buttonint transistor. Pin. 4 1. 0 Control pin for servo 2 using c buttonint servo. Pin. 1 7 Control pin for servo 1 using accelerometer x axisint servo. Pin. 2 8 Control pin for servo 2 using accelerometer y axisint servo. Pin. 3 9  control pin for arm servoint pulse. Width. 1 0 Amount to pulse the servo 1int pulse. Width. 2 0 Amount to pulse the servo 2int refresh. Time 2. 0 the time in millisecs needed in between servo pulseslong last. Pulse. 1 long last. Pulse. 2 int min. Pulse 7. 00 minimum servo pulse widthint loopcnt0 boolean buttondown false unsigned long start void setupSerial. Pin. 3  attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo objectpin. Modecontrol. Pin. OUTPUT Set control pin 1 as outputpin. Modetransistor. Pin. OUTPUT Set transistor pin 1 as outputpin. Modetransistor. Pin. OUTPUT Set transistor pin 2 as outputpin. Modetransistor. Pin. OUTPUT Set transistor pin 3 as outputpin. Modetransistor. Pin. OUTPUT Set transistor pin 4 as outputpin. Modeservo. Pin. 1, OUTPUT Set servo pin 1 as outputpin. Modeservo. Pin. 2, OUTPUT Set servo pin 2 as outputpulse. Width. 1 min. Pulse Set the servo position to the minimumpulse. Width. 2 min. Pulse Set the servo position to the minimumnunchuckinit send the initilization handshake. Serial. printNunchuck. Servo readyn void loopcheck. Nunchuck. 1 update. Servo. 1 update servo 1 positioncheck. Nunchuck. 2 update. Servo. 2 update servo 2 positionif nunchuckcbutton digital. Writetransistor. Pin. HIGH turn on transistor pin 2 if c button is presseddigital. Writetransistor. Pin. HIGH turn on transistor pin 3 if c button is presseddigital. Writetransistor. Pin. HIGH turn on transistor pin 4 if c button is pressedservo. Writetransistor. Pin. LOW digital. Writetransistor. Pin. 3, LOW digital. Writetransistor. Pin. LOW servo. Writecontrol. Pin. HIGH buttondown true start millis else if millis start 1. Writetransistor. Pin. HIGH else if button is up do thisbuttondown false digital. Writecontrol. Pin. LOW digital. Writetransistor. Pin. 1, LOW delay1 this is here to give a known time per loopvoid check. Nunchuck. 1if loopcnt 1. Width. 1 tilt 9 min. Pulse convert angle to microsecondsloopcnt 0 reset forloopcnt called every loop. Pin, pulsewidth, last. Pulse, refresh. Timevoid update. Servo. Pulse. 1 refresh. Time digital. Writeservo. Pin. 1, HIGH Turn the servo ondelay. Microsecondspulse. Width. 1 Length of the pulse sets the servo positiondigital. Writeservo. Pin. LOW Turn the servo offlast. Pulse. 1 millis save the time of the last pulsevoid check. Nunchuck. 2if loopcnt 1. Width. 2 tilt 9 min. Pulse convert angle to microsecondsloopcnt 0 reset forloopcnt called every loop. Pin, pulsewidth, last. Pulse, refresh. Timevoid update. Servo. Pulse. 2 refresh. Time digital. Writeservo. Pin. 2, HIGH  Turn the servo ondelay. Call Of Warhammer Patch 1.5.1 Fix. Microsecondspulse. Width. 2 Length of the pulse sets the servo positiondigital. Writeservo. Pin. LOW Turn the servo offlast. Pulse. 2 millis save the time of the last pulse Nunchuck functionsstatic uint. I2. C system, join the I2. C bus, and tell the nunchuck were talking to itvoid nunchuckinitWire. Wire. begin. Transmission0x. Wire. send0x. 40 sends memory address. Wire. send0x. 00 sends sent a zero. Wire. end. Transmission stop transmitting Send a request for data to the nunchuck was sendzerovoid nunchucksendrequestWire. Transmission0x. 52 transmit to device 0x. Wire. send0x. 00 sends one byte. Wire. end. Transmission stop transmitting Receive data back from the nunchuck, returns 1 on successful read. Wire. request. From 0x.