C# Datagridview Update Sql Server

Posted by admin- in Home -04/10/17

Auto Saving Data. Grid. View Rows to a SQL Server Database. Introduction. SQL Enterprise Manager did it since years Whenever a user changes a row in a table, it is automatically written back to the database table. Providing our users with the same functionality is tricky to implement because of the interaction of Data. Set and Binding. Source, which is hardly documented in the. NET help. This article investigates some intuitive solutions and explains why they will not work. DataGridView add, update, delete via. Browse sample requests. DataGridView add, update, delete via SqlClient data provider C. C, SQL Server. Csql serverdatagridview datagridviewdataViewdataVIew. CupdateDatagridviewsql server dgGridCellEndEdit object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e string sql. C DataGridView Binding SQL Server dataset The DataGridView can display data in Bound mode, unbound mode and Virtual mode. Bound mode is suitable for managing. How To Update a SQL Server Database by Using the. Microsoft Visual C. NET Microsoft SQL Server. UPDATE, and the DELETE TransactSQL. Download code samples and. DataGridView CRUD with Image save to SQL Server using C. DataGridView add, update. A detailed analysis of the involved events leads to the final solution, which is surprisingly simple as any good solution should be. Background. Often, a user has to save his work explicitly, like saving a document in Word. This approach works right out of the box with Data. Row. Views, using the save button of the Binding. Navigator. But saving explicitly can be cumbersome for the user if changes in a Data. Row should be updated immediately to the database. Implementing auto saving should be easy Just use an event which detects that the row content has changed, use the Update method of the Table. Adapter and you are done. Unfortunately, ADO. NET will run into some strange internal errors should you try it. Lets have a closer look at some intuitive solutions or skip to The solution if you are in a hurry. Data. Grid. View event. The Data. Grid. View would be the most obvious choice to detect that a row has changed in the Data. Grid. View. But the Data. Grid. View focuses mostly on a cell, displaying its content, the user interaction and writing back the changed data to Dat. Set. Data. Table. Data. Row. Events like Data. Grid. ViewRow. Validated fire for all possible reasons, and not necessarily because the user has changed the data. There would be the Data. Grid. ViewCell. End. Sql Set StatementDatagridView using Sql Server. How to DataAdapter DataGridView Sql Server. The following C source code demonstrate how to update a Dataset through. Sql Server Update From JoinEdit event indicating a change. But using Table. Adapter. Update at this point of time will mess up ADO. NET. Updating the database would happen in the middle of copying from the Data. SQL Server 2014 Express resources. DataGridView Methods Update Method. Update Method. DataGridView. Update Method Other Versions. The following code example demonstrates how to display data that is retrieved from a SQL Server. SqlDataSource control to update. C ltImport. How to populate DataGridView, GridView with SQL statement in C. When I used the DataGridView control in C in MS Visual. SQL Server 2005200076. View to the Data. Table. Both activities change the state of the Data. Row. Interrupting the copy with the update will prevent the copy operation from finishing properly I guess ADO. NET doesnt support reentrancy. Binding. Source event. The data binding for the Data. Grid. View is done in the Binding. Source, the right place to detect when the content of a cell has changed privatevoid Binding. SourceCurrent. Item. Driver Toshiba Tecra M10 Windows Xp. Changed. object sender, Event. Args e. Data. Row This. Data. Row. Data. Row. ViewBinding. Sourcesender. Current. Row. if This. Data. Row. Row. StateData. Row. State. Modified. Table. Adapter. UpdateThis. Data. Row. If you try this code, it will work, alas for the first changed record only You will get a strange error message during the update of the second row, basically the row seems to be empty. When you check with the debugger, the row has meaningful data before the update and only after the runtime error it seems to be empty. The update even writes the second record successfully into the database. Data. Table event. If the Biding. Source doesnt work, how about using an event from the Data. Set. Data. TableAfter all, any change to the Data. Row should be written to the database, regardless of who does it. The code could look like this void TableRow. Changed. object sender, Data. Row. Change. Event. Args e. if e. Row. Row. State Data. Row. State. Modified. Table. Adapter. Updatee. Row. This time, you will immediately get a run time error. ADO. NET has not yet finished changing the Data. Row when the Update tries to change the state of the Data. Row again. It seems that ADO. NET doesnt want to be interrupted by a row update to the database until is has completely copied the changes from the Dat. Row. View to the Data. Table. None of the row change related events can be used to save the row to the database. So the solution must be to use an event which fires after the row is copied and the event should not be related to the row changed Well, then lets just use the Position. Changed event of the Binding. Source. It fires for the next row the user navigates to. So the challenge is to remember which was the last row, check if it was modified and update the database if needed. Dont forget to do the same thing when the Form closes, the Position. Changed event will not fire when the Form closes publicpartialclass Main. Form Form. public Main. Form. Initialize. Component. privatevoid Main. FormLoad. object sender, Event. Args e. this. region. Table. Adapter. Fill. Data. Set. Region. Data. Grid. View. Auto. Resize. Columns. Data. Grid. View. Auto. Size. Columns. Mode. All. Cells. Data. Row Last. Data. Row null. privatevoid Update. Row. To. Database. Last. Data. Rownull. Last. Data. Row. Row. State. Data. Row. State. Modified. Table. Adapter. UpdateLast. Data. Row. privatevoid region. Binding. SourcePosition. Changed. object sender, Event. Args e. Binding. Source this. Binding. Source. Binding. Sourcesender. Data. Row This. Data. Row. Data. Row. Viewthis. Binding. Source. Current. Row. if This. Data. RowLast. Data. Row. Application. ExceptionIt seems the. Position. Changed event was fired twice for. Update. Row. To. Database. Last. Data. Row This. Data. Row. privatevoid Main. FormForm. Closed. Form. Closed. Event. Args e. Update. Row. To. Database. Event analysis. As a bonus, find a trace of the events involved when the user changes the content of a cell in the Data. Grid. View Data. Grid. ViewCell. Begin. Edit. Cell. Edit. Mode False. Data. Grid. ViewCell. Validating. Cell. Edit. Mode True. Data. TableColumn. Changing. Row. State Unchanged Has. Version DCOP. Data. TableColumn. Changed. Row. State Unchanged Has. Version DCOP. Data. Grid. ViewCell. Validated. Cell. Edit. Mode True. Data. Grid. ViewCell. End. Edit. Cell. Edit. Mode False. Data. Grid. ViewRow. Validating. Cell. Edit. Mode False. Data. TableRow. Changing. Row. State Unchanged Has. Version DCOP. Binding. SourceCurrent. Item. Changed. Row. State Modified Has. Version DCO. Binding. SourceList. Changed. Row. State Modified Has. Version DCO. Data. TableRow. Changed. Row. State Modified Has. Version DCO. Data. Grid. ViewRow. Validated. Cell. Edit. Mode False. Data. Grid. ViewValidating. Cell. Edit. Mode False. Data. Grid. ViewValidated. Cell. Edit. Mode False. Data. Row Versions. P Proposed. Using the code. Before you can run the sample application, open the Solution Explorer to change the Northwind. Connection. String. The Data. Source should point to your SQL server with the Northwind database. Once the application is running, change the name of a region and move to another row. This will save the region name to the database. Check in the database or close and restart the application to see if the change is really stored. Dont forget to change the region name back to its original value. Conclusion. The same problem existed in earlier ADO. NET versions. I didnt try it, but the described approach should also work for earlier versions, just use the events of the Currency. Manager. History. Original posting.