Autosound 2000 Cd Set

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AP Enclosures The Aperiodic Cookbook Tutorials. An Aperiodic enclosure is one in which the woofer breathes through a resistive membrane to control its cone characteristics. In laymens terms, it makes a woofer in a tiny enclosure act as if it were in a large, sealed enclosure. These membranes can be either on the backside of the woofer enclosure, OR, covering the cone of the woofer Autosound 2. Wave mods. Some mfgrs have pre built AP kits USD, Image Dynamics, etc in which you assemble the enclosure your self and they give you everything you will need for specific woofers, short of the wood. Since these kits are geared more toward a professional installer I am not doubting anyone here, this tutorial will focus on building your own Aperiodic enclosure since a lot of you are just like me hardcore DIYers. Physical characteristics APs are the smallest types of enclosures you can make short of free air, and in vehicles where space is at a premium they work wonders at getting great bass response into the car. I/6111ghWn9QL._SX466_.jpg' alt='Autosound 2000 Cd Set' title='Autosound 2000 Cd Set' />Basically, the actual enclosure needs to only be large enough to fit the woofer and the membrane, THATS IT. The less air space you have in the enclosure, the better. I make most of mine cone shaped so they taper inward at the rear to further decrease the air volume. Standard MDF, resulting in a square box, is perfectly acceptable too. Unless of course you are adept to working with fiberglass. So, what is this membrane anyway It is basically a sandwich of resistive material opposes air flow and the most common material used is fiberglass insulation the stuff in your attic. Автомобильные разъемы стандарта iso2 fakra. После 2000 года, некоторые компании начали применять. Looking to get the most out of your car entertainment experience CARiD has got your back with everything you need for your stereovideo installation project. Shop from the worlds largest selection and best deals for Car Radio Tuners. Shop with confidence on eBay P. O. Box 16 13550 Three Oaks Rd. Sawyer, MI 49125. Neat Stuff For Corvettes. C1 to C7 Only Corvette Central has it all mailcorvettecentral. Glass insulation comes in different weights densities, such as 1lb., 1. The standard Owens Corning insulation available at most home improvement stores is 1. Autosound 2000 Cd Set' title='Autosound 2000 Cd Set' />Autosound 2000 Cd SetThis is the same stuff I use bc it isnt very dense and is easily pliable. What makes a membrane is a layer of this stuff sandwiched between two sheets of perforated metal mesh. The mesh needs to be fairly stiff, and I always take care to make sure the holes line up on both the inner and outer layers so the resistive material only impedes the airflow. I use 18 thick perforated aluminum with 31. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. JPG_500/MI0000/080/MI0000080758.jpg?' alt='Autosound 2000 Cd Set' title='Autosound 2000 Cd Set' />Metal mesh speaker grills can also be used, and hell any type of perforated metal can be used as long as the holes arent massive try to stay below 14 diameter here. So how does it work Open your pie holes and breathe in and out real fast a couple times. Now take your audio T Shirt your wearing and put it over your mouth, and do the breathing again with the same force. Notice the difference Yes you did. The membrane slows down the moving air mass caused by the woofer cone, exerting air compliance on the cone just like an enclosure does. This simulates the same environment as a large sealed enclosure. How does the membrane affect the woofers performance and how do you tune it If you asked this Q, pat yourself on the back The membrane affects the impedance curve of the woofer. In a sealed box, a woofer will exhibit a LARGE impedance swing at the boxs resonant frequency. This accounts for almost all of the boominess problems we have discussed with some sealed box woofers that do not have the benefit of proper EQ. The membrane serves to equalize flatten this impedance curve, giving the sub a very even and predictable frequency response. The trade off here is a decrease in output in the bottom octave. Autosound 2. K uses a passive device with their Wave Mods called the ANN Acoustic Normalization Network, which is designed to apply a boost in output to make up for this bottom octave deficiency. Basically, you can do the same thing with an EQ, so we wont get into that. The tuning of an AP membrane, is done by varying the thickness of the resistive material layer. The thicker it is, the denser it becomes, and the less air is allowed to flow thru it freely. Seems simple enough, right We will get into HOW to tune it later. What makes woofers good candidates for AP boxes Well, as you guessed, not all woofers will work correctly in this enclosure. While several physical factors affect AP performance you need a lightweight, stiff cone, good power handling, and SVC subs seem to work better too, the single most important spec to look for is the Q factor of the sub. While Qes electrical Q and Qms mechanical Q can vary widely, and either by itself wont make or break this decision, it is. Qts total system Q that determines the AP candidates ANY WOOFER WITH A QTS OF. LESS CAN WORK VERY WELL IN AP DESIGNSI made that bold so it will stick with you guys. So, if you want to try your hand at this type of enclosure, seek the Qts spec of the woofer. If it is less than or to. You will find that it is mainly the subs designed for ported enclosures that fit the bill, as subs designed for small sealed boxes you know the ones. Qtc of. 6 and higher. These subs tend to have a boominess that cannot be overcome with resistive damping and frankly, they sound like ass in an AP, so forget about em. OK, lets get a little deeper here. Many AP gurus differ in opinion on how big the membrane should be. A2. K feels the membrane should be the exact size of the woofer. USD feels the membrane should be larger in sq than the cone area of said sub. Other guys who make their own go slightly smaller than the woofer. So you wanna know what I do, right Well, most of my APs have been done in the front of vehicles where space is at a premium, I studied their designs for a while and came to the conclusion that they were using very dense like 3lb. HAD to be large so they could flow the proper amount of air and avoid strangling the sub. I figured that by using a material that was less dense, the membrane could be made smaller with identical results. I was right I make my AP membranes exactly 12 of the cone diameter of the sub, and use 1. Density fiberglass insulation and the aforementioned perforated aluminum. It works exactly like it should, and many AP techies cant believe it. But we wont get into that. Something else I should touch on is this remember when I said some APs are designed to go over the cone, and some go behind the coneWell, I am of the belief that the most efficiency is lost with the over the cone designs, necessitating mega power to make up for the lost volume. I prefer to have an unobstructed full size cone firing freely into the listening area. Because of this, my only experience with AP is with the membrane behind the woofer design. So, we will stick to this design, cool The enclosure needs to be ONLY big enough to mount the woofer in it and have a space for the membrane. I prefer to have the membrane centrally located directly behind the woofer so it exerts even forces on the cone. Sometimes this is physically not possible, but it will still work with limitations Another topic perhaps. So, you know what makes a woofer an AP candidate, you know your enclosure must be very small, and you know what an AP membrane is and what it does. So lets do a cyber install First off, the enclosure must be mounted in an area where the membrane is in a separate compartment than the cone, or severe cancellation will occur. Same exact technique as a free air infinite baffle set up. If your woofer goes behind the back seat, the cone should fire into the cabin, and the membrane should vent into the trunk. Silent Hill Homecoming Windows 7 Patch. Furthermore, the trunk needs to be sealed off from the cabin as good as possible to prevent air leaks from front to back.