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Concussion Wikipedia. Concussion, also known as minor head trauma or mild traumatic brain injury m. TBI is the most common type of traumatic brain injury. It is typically defined as a head injury with a temporary loss of brain function. Symptoms include a variety of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms, which may not be recognized if subtle. A variety of signs accompany concussion including headache, feeling in a fog, and emotional changeability. In general, the signs can be categorized into physical signs such as loss of consciousness or amnesia, behavioral changes such as irritability, cognitive impairment such as slowed reaction times, and sleep disturbances. 1 Fewer than 1. Common causes include sports injuries, bicycle accidents, car accidents, and falls, the latter two being the most frequent causes among adults. 3 In addition to a blow to the head, concussion may be caused by acceleration forces without a direct impact, and on the battlefield, MTBI is a potential consequence of nearby explosions. 4 It is not clear exactly what damage is done and how the symptoms are caused, but stretching of axons and changes in ion channels are involved. 56 Cellular damage has reportedly been found in concussed brains, but it may have been due to artifacts from the studies. 7 It is currently thought that structural and neuropsychiatric factors may both be responsible for the effects of concussion. 8Treatment involves monitoring as well as physical and cognitive rest reduction of such activities as school work, playing video games and text messaging. 1 Symptoms usually resolve within three weeks, though they may persist or complications may occur. 9The rate at which concussion occurs is not accurately known, but is estimated to be more than 6 per 1,0. Background Whether the treatment of patients with hypertension who are 80 years of age or older is beneficial is unclear. It has been suggested that antihypertensive. Email markrainsun atgmail dotcom Here are some listed. PDFA Brief Introduction To Fluid Mechanics, 5th Edition INSTRUCTOR SOLUTIONS MANUAL. Those who have had one concussion seem more susceptible to another, especially if the new injury occurs before symptoms from the previous concussion have completely resolved. 1. There is also a negative progressive process in which smaller impacts cause the same symptom severity. 1 Repeated concussions may increase the risk in later life for dementia, Parkinsons disease, or depression. 1. Signs and symptoms. Concussion is associated with a variety of symptoms, which typically occur rapidly after the injury. 1. Early symptoms usually subside within days or weeks. 7 The number and type of symptoms any one individual suffers varies widely. 1. Physical. Headache is the most common MTBI symptom. 1. Others include dizziness, vomiting, nausea, lack of motor coordination, difficulty balancing,1. Visual symptoms include light sensitivity,1. Tinnitus, or a ringing in the ears, is also commonly reported. 7 In one in about seventy concussions, concussive convulsions occur, but seizures that take place during or immediately after concussion are not post traumatic seizures, and, unlike post traumatic seizures, are not predictive of post traumatic epilepsy, which requires some form of structural brain damage, not just a momentary disruption in normal brain functioning. 1. Concussive convulsions are thought to result from temporary loss or inhibition of motor function, and are not associated either with epilepsy or with more serious structural damage. They are not associated with any particular sequelae, and have the same high rate of favorable outcomes as concussions without convulsions. 1. Cognitive and emotional. 110480 de 51484 Paulo 49074 So 46318 do 40723 Brasil 38043 da 37922 Da 35214 US 33367 Folha 2900 Local 19724 Reportagem 1790 Jos 15364. The National Kidney Foundations Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative KDOQI has provided evidencebased guidelines for all stages of chronic kidney disease. In statistics and uncertainty analysis, the WelchSatterthwaite equation is used to calculate an approximation to the effective degrees of freedom of a linear. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Concussion, also known as minor head trauma or mild traumatic brain injury mTBI is the most common type of traumatic brain injury. It is typically defined as a head. Cognitive symptoms include confusion, disorientation, and difficulty focusing attention. Loss of consciousness may occur, but is not necessarily correlated with the severity of the concussion if it is brief. 2. Post traumatic amnesia, in which events following the injury cannot be recalled, is a hallmark of concussion. 1. Background The efficacy of thiazolidinediones, as compared with other oral glucoselowering medications, in maintaining longterm glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. Confusion, another concussion hallmark, may be present immediately or may develop over several minutes. 1. A person may repeat the same questions,2. Other MTBI symptoms include changes in sleeping patterns7 and difficulty with reasoning,1. Concussion can result in changes in mood including crankiness, loss of interest in favorite activities or items,2. Common symptoms in concussed children include restlessness, lethargy, and irritability. 2. Mechanism. Rotational force is key in concussion. Punches in boxing can deliver more rotational force to the head than the typical impact in American football. 2. The brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, which protects it from light trauma. More severe impacts, or the forces associated with rapid acceleration, may not be absorbed by this cushion. 6 Concussion may be caused by impact forces, in which the head strikes or is struck by something, or impulsive forces, in which the head moves without itself being subject to blunt trauma for example, when the chest hits something and the head snaps forward. 2. Forces may cause linear, rotational, or angular movement of the brain, or a combination of them. 2. In rotational movement, the head turns around its center of gravity, and in angular movement it turns on an axis not through its center of gravity. 2. The amount of rotational force is thought to be the major component in concussion2. Studies with athletes have shown that the amount of force and the location of the impact are not necessarily correlated with the severity of the concussion or its symptoms, and have called into question the threshold for concussion previously thought to exist at around 7. The parts of the brain most affected by rotational forces are the midbrain and diencephalon. 3. It is thought that the forces from the injury disrupt the normal cellular activities in the reticular activating system located in these areas, and that this disruption produces the loss of consciousness often seen in concussion. 3 Other areas of the brain that may be affected include the upper part of the brain stem, the fornix, the corpus callosum, the temporal lobe, and the frontal lobe. 3. Angular accelerations of 4. MTBI respectively. 3. Pathophysiology. In both animals and humans, MTBI can alter the brains physiology for hours to years,3. As one example, in animal models, after an initial increase in glucose metabolism, there is a subsequent reduced metabolic state which may persist for up to four weeks after injury. 2 Though these events are thought to interfere with neuronal and brain function, the metabolic processes that follow concussion are reversible in a large majority of affected brain cells however, a few cells may die after the injury. 3. Included in the cascade of events unleashed in the brain by concussion is impaired neurotransmission, loss of regulation of ions, deregulation of energy use and cellular metabolism, and a reduction in cerebral blood flow. 3. Excitatory neurotransmitters, chemicals such as glutamate that serve to stimulate nerve cells, are released in excessive amounts. 3. The resulting cellular excitation causes neurons to fire excessively. 3. This creates an imbalance of ions such as potassium and calcium across the cell membranes of neurons a process like excitotoxicity. 3. At the same time, cerebral blood flow is relatively reduced for unknown reasons,1. Thus cells get less glucose than they normally do, which causes an energy crisis. 1. Concurrently with these processes, the activity of mitochondria may be reduced, which causes cells to rely on anaerobic metabolism to produce energy, increasing levels of the byproduct lactate. 3.